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Girls Beauty and Wellness day 10th Dec

Join our pre-Christmas Beauty Party!

Join us at the DANIELE de WINTER Spa in Cannes this Saturday 10th December for a warm, relaxing pre-Christmas girls beauty afternoon. From 2 - 7pm we will be giving free health and beauty advice, tips on how to look and feel gorgeous in Winter, professional makeup lessons, a fantastic facial rejuvenation demonstration by Dr Amir Reza Khorsand, one of the Cote's leading cosmetic and anti-aging doctors, and yummy, complimentary antioxidant beauty drinks and nibbles. Please email ' Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!' to give us an idea of numbers. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday! Le Spa DANIELE de WINTER, 2, rondpoint Duboys d'Angers, CANNES Tel 04 933 849 21