Ihr Warenkorb ist noch leer.


Now that Summer is officially over, we all need a lift, so here is one of my very favourite skin beauty breakfasts to start the day feeling fabulous: A fresh, home-blended carrot, mango, banana and celery smoothie. Carrots and mangoes are both wonderful sources of antioxidant carotenoids to clarify & naturally illuminate the complexion, bananas are high in brain-and-muscle enhancing potassium and celery is a fantastic, low-calorie source of skin balancing vitamins B1, B2, B6 & C - as well as potassium, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, iron & phosphorus. If you prepare everything in the blender before your morning walk/run, and instantly blend and drink it the moment you return, it is the perfect post-exercise treat – clarifies your skin, tastes amazing and replaces lost sugar & electrolytes in a flash! Follow up with a handful of fresh almonds and you will feel F a b u l o u s!!

PS. Unprocessed almonds are the ultimate beauty nuts :) very rich in protein and skin smoothing Vitamin E, high in fibre as well as magnesium, potassium and iron – they boost your metabolism and actually help you LOSE weight!!