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A smooth, firm neck is key for youthful beauty, and looking after yours is a great way to boost your gorgeousness. Here's how:

Nourish the skin on your neck as you do your face: cleanse and moisturise every day, exfoliate, apply masks and also a light touch of foundation whenever you wear makeup for that perfect 'look'.

Protect your neck (and décolleté) from the sun with high quality sunscreen. Being thinner than facial tissue, the skin on your neck can dry out really fast if you forget.

Sit straight and stand straight – always: this is a super-effective tip for delaying the onset of ugghy "turkey neck syndrome" as using your back muscles tones the tissues in your neck and helps keep it smooth.

Eat lots of antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables, proteins and Omega 3 and do not smoke: just like your face, the delicate skin on your neck (and décolleté) needs nourishment, protection from free-radicals and protein to stimulate collagen synthesis.

Finally, sleep with your head on a flattish to medium pillow to keep your neck straight as you slumber.

 ...and love the way you look ;-)