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The antioxidant properties of Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and its role in collagen synthesis make Vitamin C a vital molecule for skin health and youthfulness. Vitamin C regulates the synthesis of collagen. Vitamin C is essential for the hydroxylation of collagen molecules, and the creation of strong and stable collagen bonds (46). Hydroxylation of collagen is necessary for its extracellular stability and for support of the epidermis – and it cannot take place without Vitamin C.

Vitamin C is a key ingredient in collagen. Without enough vitamin C, the body is unable to form healthy collagen and is unable to repair itself. In cell culture models, Vitamin C supplementation measurably increases collagen synthesis. Specifically, Vitamin C has been shown to stabilize collagen mRNA, thus increasing collagen protein synthesis for repair of damaged and older skin (47). Vitamin C also increases the proliferation rate of fibroblasts (49) and stimulates DNA repair in cultured fibroblasts (50).

Two consumer studies found that a higher intake of dietary Vitamin C was associated with better skin appearance, less skin wrinkling (51, 52) better skin hydration (25), smoother skin (21) and increased production of collagen (26, 27).

Dietary Vitamin C has very beneficial effects on skin cells. Aging causes a decline in Vitamin C content in both the epidermis and dermis (2). Excessive exposures to UV light or pollutants such as cigarette smoke also lowers Vitamin C levels in the skin (4-6). However dietary supplementation with natural Vitamin C raises cutaneous levels and protects skin against UV induced damage (33). Skin cells use up more Vitamin C when exposed to to UV light, suggesting an increased Vitamin C uptake is needed for adequate protection if you are regularly in the sun (7, 8)1.

Acerola’s high Vitamin C content makes it a powerful contributor to skin health, even more so because its other antioxidants such as flavonoids and anthocyanins work in synergy with Vitamin C to extend its active life and boost its antioxidant effect. Acerola also contains mineral salts that have shown to aid in the remineralization of tired and stressed skin, and its carotene’s and proteins have skin-hydrating properties. This synergy of antioxidants and nutrients in Acerola is used by your body to synthesize elastin & collagen, helping keep skin firm, toned and youthful in appearance.

The role of Vitamin C in collagen synthesisimakes it a vital molecule for skin health. The Vitamin C in Acerola helps both firm and strengthen the complexion, regenerate damaged skin tissues, boost skin oxygenation and immunity and ward off the bacteria that causes acne and breakouts. As Vitamin C kills both virus and bacteria and aids in neutralizing the toxins they give off, it supports our own antibodies and white blood cells and is as important for fighting skin allergies, hyper-pigmentation and acne as it is for preventing wrinkles and skin aging.