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It is September 1st and we imagine you are asking the same question we are: where did the Summer go…?

To ease the transition back to reality, here are a few "back-to-work" beauty tips to keep you sun-kissed and luminous a while longer: 

1.            Feed your beauty: people who eat  a lot of raw, antioxidant-and-fibre–rich fruits vegetables have noticeably clearer, more radiant skin than those who eat more sugar, refined carbohydrates and processed fats. Particularly if you have been in the sun, enjoying fresh fruits & berries really helps to regenerate your skin from the inside-out.

2.            Get your beauty oils: conventional wisdom about a low-fat diet being healthy has been totally turned on its head, and now experts recommend that to lose weight (unbelievable, we know) stay slim and boost your health you should increase your intake of Omega 3 fish oils & fatty fish, (raw, un-roasted) nuts, avocados, soft boiled egg-yolks and cold-pressed, extra-virgin vegetable oils (for drizzling cold on food - Coconut oil is the best for cooking followed by organic butter). By boosting your healthy fat intake this way, you encourage your muscles to burn more energy and replenish skin sebum levels from the inside-out: leading to smoother, moister skin and less wrinkles. 

3.            Aim to get 30 mins of exercise at least 4 days a week: A brisk morning walk or 30-mins weights at lunch will boost skin oxygenation and keep your complexion visibly more radiant.

4.            Enjoy in beauty sleep: the only guaranteed way to wipe years off your face that does not cost a cent: Our skin and body truly DO regenerate while we sleep, so cleanse, apply an antioxidant rich moisturiser and snuggle under that duvet well before midnight to awake looking like a dream!

5.            Finally, feel really, really good about yourself and "dress for success" : Fresh from holiday you are bright, toned and irresistible – and believe it or not, the better you feel, the more beautiful your skin will be… so use it girl!!