Корзина пуста


On the beaches of Monaco, intrepid sun-lovers are rushing into the chilly Med at 7am to get in their obligatory laps, before sitting with a cappucino and thick sweater to soak up the warm, spring sunhine.

The health and beauty benefits of Spring sunshine are so vast it would take a book to describe them in detail, but in a nutshell:

- Once the sun is high enough, UVB rays kick off the production of healing, immunity-boosting Vitamin D in our skin.

- Bright Spring sunshine powerfully lifts our mood! When the sun's full-spectrum rays hit our retina (without sunglasses) its light kicks off all sorts of hormonal and life-affirming functions in our body, that basically give us more energy and help us sleep better at night.

- Bright sunshine also positively influences our metabolism, so it becomes easier to eat less and lose weight.

- As the sun is not yet as high as in Summer, it is easier to start tanning with little risk of sunburn: statistically, the more gently you build up your tan, the longer it lasts and the lower the risk of skin damage.

deW SPF50+ helps keep your skin smooth and hydrated - and actively protects your skin from any sun-induced malignancies, preparing your skin beautifully for the Summer!

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