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We all love the sun, but too much UV exposure accelerates skin ageing and the break-down of collagen and elastin, thinning the skin and causing unwanted wrinkles & age spots.
To enjoy the sun without your skin 'suffering' the consequences, eat a diet rich in fresh, raw fruits and vegetables and always apply an antioxidant rich day cream beneath your sunscreen: Recent research by the University of California, San Francisco concluded that “regular application of skin care products containing antioxidants may be of the utmost benefit in efficiently preparing our skin against oxidative stressors. Furthermore, sunscreening agents may also benefit from combination with antioxidants resulting in increased safety and efficacy of such photoprotective products”.
One of the best combination of topical antioxidants to protect skin from UV damage is Vitamin C (L-Ascorbic Acid) x Vitamin E, which has been shown in clinical trials to significantly protect skin from UV damage and accelerate cell repair and new collagen production. For ultimate skin perfection, try ENERGIE PURE Hydrating, Antioxidant day cream rich in healing Noni, soothing Aloe Vera and Antioxidant Vitamins C & E.
The ultimate one: it works every time, on everyone, and…wait for it… costs absolutely NOTHING: Just... BE HAPPY! Love your life whatever you are doing, be Confident, be Content, be Grateful for what you have - and do do do forgive yourself for not looking like Claudia Schiffer or Cindy Crawford etc... as let's face it, almost Nobody does, so who cares! When we're happy, our beautifully clever brains send hormones to the skin that both improve skin oxygenation and balance sebum production, meaning your complexion becomes fresher, prettier and smoother without doing a thing… what's not to LOVE?

In celebration of the Wimbledon Final, nourish your skin with a large bowl of fresh, juicy Strawberries.
Loaded with antioxidant Vitamin C (100g provide 100% of your RDA) to boost skin clarity and stimulate collagen synthesis, Lutein and Zeathancin to enhance longevity of skin cells and Ellagic acid to protect skin cells from inflammation, Strawberries are a delicious beauty food that also promote eye health and have been clinically proven (yippee..) to actively delay the onset of wrinkles.
As Strawberries contain no fat, cholesterol or sodium and are both extremely low in calories (32 Kcal per 100g) and high in fibre, they can help keep your body svelte and beautiful. Last but not least, Strawberries are a good source of Folic Acid; nice to know if you are planning a baby ;)

With one party hot on the heels of the next this June, looking fabulous has never been more important: so here to help are our 'ultimate pre-party beauty tips' :
The night before an important event, choose your dress, shoes, bag and accessories, and try on the shoes to make sure they fit! - being prepared on the night will make ALL the difference to your timekeeping!
The day of a party, avoid stodgy, processed food and (of course) any alcohol. Instead, drink lots of water and eat light, with a small, protein and salad-rich meal just before you go out: This will help ensure you look bright & bouncy – and actually have the energy to party!
Think about your hair the morning before an event: Hairdressers? Wash it? Wild and touseled? - factor in the time accordingly. The same goes for your nails.
Stop everything 2 hours before party time and start to prepare: have an indulgent, steamy bath, apply a thick layer of anti-aging mask to your face & décolleté (see BONNE FEE smoothing, pre-party mask) and lie down for 30 mins to totally relax: a catnap before you go out is as good as several hours sleep – and is the Party Animal's secret weapon; Then makeup, hair, body lotion, dress, …and action…
If you are prone to hangovers, take globe artichoke and milk thistle supplements 2 hours before you go out and have more waiting at your bedside with a glass of water (night cream & and a bottle of makeup-remover) for when you return: both globe artichoke and milk thistle are proven to reduce the severity of hangovers.
At the party, follow each drink with a glass of water; this helps you pace your alcohol consumption so you can really enjoy the night.
Before going home, make your last drink a big glass of orange juice and have another first thing in the morning! Vitamin C helps your body to detoxify.
The morning after a party, avoid strong sunshine, as the residual alcohol will make you more sensitive to sunstroke, and drink several cups of antioxidant rich green tea all day long to revive, purify -and prepare for the next event…

At DANIELE de WINTER we love Summer: not only for those heavenly, balmy days, but because of all the delicious, Antioxidant laden fruit that becomes ripe at this time of year. Take fresh velvety Apricots and Peaches for example; both are laden with beauty-enhancing Carotenes (beta carotene, lycopene, lutein…) to actively protect skin from sun damage and help reduce break-out's & acne. The closer to the orchard the better, as nothing beats the living energy of just-picked fresh fruit! Furthermore, as Carotenes work in harmony with Vitamin E to smooth your complexion, applying a Vitamin E-rich day cream such as ENERGIE PURE while eating soft, fresh peaches, multiplies the rejuvenating effect to your skin!

As the Summer approaches weall begin to worry about protecting ourselves from the sun. The biggest contributor to premature skin ageing is excessive sun exposure, which will thin, dry and age your skin prematurely, so we are right to be concerned. Short, daily doses of sunshine, ie 15 to 30 minutes each morning or evening without sunglasses is however a beauty essential : improving skin oxygenation and skin clarity, raising your immunity, enhancing eye health, strengthening bones and teeth and mega-boosting your happiness levels. At all other timeswear a broad brimmed hat and high antioxidant sunscreen (such as our hypoallergenic, antioxidant laden SOLEIL PURE SPF 25 & 50+ UVA & UVB cream)…. and if you would like a deeper tan, apply bronzer. Here’s to your beautiful Summer !

You know how skin can sometimes feel dry after a long, cold winter? Well you can rapidly rehydrate and replenish your complexion with the following tip:
a) Blend a little 100% botanical facial oil into your daily moisturizer and massage gently into cleansed face, neck and decollete morning and night. Choose an oil containing Rose, Neroli & Palmarosa such as PLUIE DE ROSES calming facial oil to beautifully nourish and plump up your skin. We love Rose oil for its ability to erase fine lines, Neroli for the way it stimulates cellular regeneration & Palmarosa for its ability to hydrate and optimize sebum levels. Combined with ENERGIE PURE antioxidant day cream you can literally watch your skin revive and replenish.
b) Apply with extra care around the lip line and beneath your chin to keep these important areas smooth and line-free. Now on amazing speacial offer with our Easter Beauty Giveaway - while stocks last!
Boris our little Easter bunny says laughter (and munching carrots) makes you more beautiful by toning facial muscles and helping your skin glow naturally. When you laugh, facial circulation increases and your cheeks flush. Laughter also instantly lowers stress levels and laughing at least once every day slows down the aging process! Finally, according to our Style Icon Audrey Hepburn: “Happy girls are the prettiest girls!” No argument there... HAPPY EASTER!!

Latest research shows Papaya fruit helps keep your eyes healthier and more beautiful. Eating Papaya reduces skin inflammation from inside, while applied externally in an eye serum such as L’ELIXIR MAGIC YEUX, Papaya’s enzyme Papin smooths skin around the eye area, while its Vitamin C and Beta-carotene protect fragile skin cells from free radical attack. Combined with Neroli and Hyaluronic acid, this helps to hydrate, smooth and rejuvenate the skin around your eyes.

A survey published on confirms that one the biggest factors in promoting longevity is Contentment! Along with an antioxidant rich diet and and staying fit & active,
being relaxed and contented helps residents of Monaco live to, on average, 89.68 years of age, that's approximately a decade longer than the average American and longer than anywhere else in the world. So cuddle up this Sunday and relax - its good for you!

The light is beautiful, the Spring air fresh and energizing and the new week full of potential. So bounce out of bed, wear a sexy dress and be incredibly nice to everyone. Let the fabulous female you are take control and have some FUN... and who knows what could happen. Enjoy your week!

When cold winds blow, create your own fragrant, beauty oasis by adding a few drops of FLEURS NOCTURNES relaxing body oil to a steaming bath, lighting some candles and soaking the day away. 100% botanical, FLEURS NOCTURNES contains pure Lavender from Provence and Ylang Ylang from Mauritius to lift your spirits, enhance the quality of your sleep and simultaneously hydrate and clarify your skin. PS... Both Lavender and Ylang Ylang are natural aphrodisiacs...
Bonne nuit!

USE THAT SMILE! In Celebration of St VALENTINE's day, use your smile and be really nice to everyone : A happy mood is not only infectious, it also sends hormones to your skin that optimize sebum levels and make you more beautiful! Our reserch also shows that being very nice to everyone makes getting what you want much easier! HAPPY VALENTINE's DAY!!

Romance and the fragrance of Chocolate are in the air. Dark, pink and delicous, DANIELE de WINTER Choc BEAUTÉ are designed to make your skin more beautiful, and are a great way to say 'you're gorgeous' on Valentine's Day. Made of juicy cranberries dipped in rich, dark 80% cocoa chocolate with added beauty vitamins (Vitamin C, Vitamin E), antioxidants (lycopene, lutein, polyphenols, flavonoids) and organic Omega 3 EFA.
The ultimate blend of function and pleasure!
Top Ten Winter Beauty Tips: 10 KEEP HYDRATED ALL WINTER

When it is cold, your skin needs extra care to stay soft and healthy, so protect your complexion with our PETALES d'EAU Hydrating facial mask. Saturated with Orangeblossom essence to smooth and prevent dryness, Aloe Vera to hydrate and accelerate cellular regeneration and Camomile to comfort and soothe. PETALES d'EAU is so gentle it can be used every day: on yourself, your children and even your baby. Free from parabens, artifical colours or fragrances. Just packed with softness...
Top Ten Winter Beauty Tips: Tip 9 - Love your body

This New Year, feel fantastic about yourself exactly the way you are! A
great smile & soft lips are much sexier than bony knees. So forget your
inhibitions, feel the sun on your face - and remember that gorgeous,
authentic beauty comes from inside!
Top Ten Winter Beauty Tips: Tip 8. Beauty Sleep

Imagine you could wake up with prettier skin, more beautiful eyes and a slimmer, yourger looking-body. Just go to bed by 10pm several nights a week and get at least 8 to 9 hours of uninterrupten slumber and you will boost your immunity, repair and rejuvenate your skin, lose weight and dramatically reduce stress levels easy really !
Top Ten Winter Beauty Tips: Tip 7. Love

Love is a hugely important part of life, and so is exercise; so why not combine the two - Both love and exercise release feel good endorphins which are hormone like substances that act as the body's natural painkillers and give you a natural high; they have other similarities in that they both make your heart beat faster, improving blood circulation, making your skin glow and you feel happier and healthier. Both encourage healthy living which can reduce signs of ageing. PS. Snuggling up with Tabatha or Rover also works.
Top Ten Winter Beauty Tips: Tip 6. Candlelit Baths
Pampering in Winter is sooo good for you : relaxation cretes feel-good hormones that actually help your skin to regenerate all by itself, so indulge in a fragrant, steaming bath, Barry White and candlelight as often as you can to warm and relax yourself to the core. Remember, your skin is your biggest organ and needs pampering, so after your bath apply a 100% botanical body oil such as our nourishing, soothing FLEURS NOCTURNES antioxidant body oil with pure, fragrant essential oils of Ylang Ylang, Lavender and Jasmin all over : then snuggle under the duvet and dream away !
Top Ten Winter Beauty Tips: Tip 4. Exfoliate & Hydrate
In Winter it is important to exfoliate your skin regularly to remove dead cells and allow the new ones to shine through. Natural goodies such as Jojoba beads, that buff away dead cells with gossamer softness and nutrient-rich Organic Avocado Oil, which penetrates the skin more deeply than other oils, keep your skin moisturized and help stimulate collagen synthesis at the same time as clarifying and illuminating your complexion. deW REVELATION contains both, along with Aloe Vera to calm and hydrate fresh skin cells as soon as they are revealed. Follow with a nourishing serum & mask such as THE FIRMING SERUM and BONNE FEE for best results.
Top Ten Winter Beauty Tips: 3. Love Your Vitamin C
For your best Winter beauty, eat Vitamin C-rich Kiwi’s, Mangos, Blueberries and Oranges every day and apply a Vitamin C rich moisturizer to your skin. As the primary water-soluble antioxidant in the body, Vitamin C improves your immunity against colds and flu and is also essential for the production of new skin collagen, which keeps skin smooth and youthful. High-Antioxidant creams such as DANIELE de WINTER's ENERGIE PURE Firming Day Cream can help minimize cellular aging and keep your complexion smooth and youthful - even when cold winds blow.
Top Ten Winter Beauty Tips: 2. Eat Your Greens
Parsley and Watercress are you secret Winter immunity weapons: Both are like high-dose multi-vitamin & mineral tablets in a leaf, containing more iron than spinach, many times more Vitamin C than oranges, the minerals manganese, calcium and potassium and a very high level of flavonoid antioxidants. They help clarify and illuminate your skin and have virtually zero calories…
Top Ten Winter Beauty Tips: 1. Go Nuts!
Splurge on Nuts this Christmas
Feel free to splurge on nuts this Christmas! Raw, unprocessed (unsalted, ungrilled) Almonds, Cashews and Walnuts hydrate your skin from inside, helping to keep it soft and smooth throughout Winter. Eating raw nuts also reduces your risk of (type 2) diabetes, can lower your risk of heart disease by up to 45% and - believe it or not - will actually help you lose weight! Raw Almonds, Cashews and Walnuts are all rich in Vitamin E and mono-unsaturated fatty acids, high in fibre and Potassium, Phosphorous and Magnesium. They help plump up your skin from inside and will not make you fat.
Girls Beauty and Wellness day 10th Dec
Join our pre-Christmas Beauty Party!
Join us at the DANIELE de WINTER Spa in Cannes this Saturday 10th December for a warm, relaxing pre-Christmas girls beauty afternoon. From 2 - 7pm we will be giving free health and beauty advice, tips on how to look and feel gorgeous in Winter, professional makeup lessons, a fantastic facial rejuvenation demonstration by Dr Amir Reza Khorsand, one of the Cote's leading cosmetic and anti-aging doctors, and yummy, complimentary antioxidant beauty drinks and nibbles. Please email ' This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.' to give us an idea of numbers. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday! Le Spa DANIELE de WINTER, 2, rondpoint Duboys d'Angers, CANNES Tel 04 933 849 21
Get your Vitamin C!
Your multi-tasking Antioxidant
If there is one Vitamin that is important for almost ALL aspects of your beauty and health... its Vitamin C : Vitamin C protects your heart, supports your immune system and accelerates healing. If you are not getting enough vitamin C you may be more susceptible to colds and minor ailments. Vitamin C also helps you absorb iron – and as according to various studies over 50% of women are anaemic, this is good to know! For maximum Vitamin C in your diet, eat lots of colorful fruits and vegetables like raspberries, blueberries, kiwi's, red & green peppers (bell peppers) and all green leafy salads & vegetables – especially watercress and rocket. A good, regular supply of Vitamin C is vital for healthy connective tissue – it strengthens your skin and helps prevent and reduce wrinkles, and is in fact an essential building block of new skin collagen, the protein of that makes up approx. 70% of young, healthy skin. A good supply is therefore vital for age-defying skin smoothness as we grow older. For a health-and- beauty-boosting supply of Vitamin C during colder, winter months, take a daily 1000mg Vitamin C supplement in addition to the Vitamin C in your diet; If you smoke this is even more beneficial, as your intake of Vitamin C is likely to be severely depeleted through all the free radicals created by each puff. Finally, for the beauty of your skin, use skincare that contains both Vitamins C and E (like ENERGIE PURE, deW's firming, antioxidant day cream), as Vitamins C & E work together to multiply each other's radiance boosting, antioxidant effect. PS. – you can’t take too much Vitamin C – as it is water soluble your body will simply eliminate any excess.
Your Winter beauty booster
The energy enzyme!
As the weather gets colder and you turn up the heat indoors, your skin needs extra help to stay smooth and hydrated. In addition to a rich moisturizer (see CLAIR DE LUNE night cream) one ingredient can make a wonderful difference: Co-enzyme Q10. An 'oldie but a goodie': an enzyme, a mineral and an antioxidant all at the same time, Co-enzyme Q10 gives your skin energy, which means stronger cells, faster recovery from inflammation or damage, better moisture retention and significantly improved tone and elasticity. Co-enzyme Q10 works best INSIDEOUT: ie applied topically (see ENERGIE PURE high-antioxidant day cream) as well as taken internally through a supplement or by eating fish, organ meats (liver etc) and germinated whole grains..., For best results a supplement is easiest: aim for at least 10mg/day).
The Sunshine Vitamin!
Fall 2011's "must-have" Vitamin...
Vitamin D Is the ''little black dress'' of Fall 2011. You just have to have it!! Vitamin D, the "sunshine Vitamin," that synthesises on your skin when in the sun (WITHOUT sunscreen Ladies) has a list of fabulous health and beauty benefits that keeps getting longer. - Children whose mothers get plenty of vitamin D during pregnancy have bigger, stronger bones; In fact, for childhood bone strength, maternal vitamin D matters more than all the milk children can drink. - People who consume at least 1,000 IU of vitamin D daily lower their risks of colon, breast and ovarian cancers by up to 50%. Vitamin D improves your mood, evens your complexion, can heal psoriasis and other skin disorders and can reduce the incidence of colds and flu by a staggering 70%!! ...and finally, this adorable Vitamin can help you lose weight. What's not to love? Best food sources of Vitamin D are Salmon and other fatty fish, egg yolks and fortified soy products : Salmon omlette with Tofu anyone...?
For a Naturally Radiant Complexion!
The benefits of exfoliation
Exfoliating your skin regularly is an important part of your beauty routine. Skin that has been exfoliated feels fresher, looks clear and radiant, and is better able to eliminate impurities. Exfoliate your skin once or twice a week, preferably in the evening, as cellular regeneration reaches its peak during the night, so your freshly exfoliated skin is better able to absorb the active ingredient in your evening beauty care. The purpose of exfoliation is to allow skin to breathe, not to harm it. So it’s important to choose a mild exfoliant that will gently remove dead cells and residue from your skin. Fine spherical beads such as those contained in deW's moisturizing exfoliant REVELATION, with Aloe Vera, Jojoba and Organic Avocado will be kinder to your skin than products containing grainy particles. For the perfect complexion, why not try combining REVELATION exfoliant with L'ELIXIR MAGIC serum and BONNE FEE smoothing, nourishing mask. Just look at Kate Walsh!
In aid of Politicians everywhere
..particularily in Cannes
In honour of the G20, as...well, right now they do need all the help they can get, here are 3 tips to boost brain power as well as skin beauty: 1) Eat fatty fish (such as salmon) and raw nuts (such as almonds) for the balancing, attention enhancing power of Omega 3 EFA. 2) Munch blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, black currants and strawberries for their fantastic polyphenols to enhance memory function. 3) Eat your greens Mr President, as the chlorophyll they contain sharpens mental acuity and may help you avoid any really bad decisions...we hope!
Wonderful Watercress!
The Skin Beauty Salad
Give your skin a beautiful, low-calorie antioxidant boost with fresh, Watercress. Cultivated in pure spring water, watercress was already recognized as a superfood by the ancient Greeks. Hippocrates located his first hospital close to a stream to ensure fresh watercress to help treat his patients and Greek soldiers ate it to enhance strength before going into battle! In 19th Century Britain, Watercress was a staple part of the working class diet, known for its health benefits it was often handed out free to be munched on the go. Containing 15 essential vitamins and minerals. Watercress contains (gram for gram) more iron than spinach, more vitamin C than oranges and way more anti-free radical, skin-protective antioxidants than almost any other fruit or vegetable. Watercress is also the UK's most historic salad leaf... bon appetit!
Walk your way to radiant skin
November is Charity walk month
One of the best and healthiest ways to a radiant and youthful complexion is to exercise in the fresh air; making you look gorgeous and feel amazingly virtuous... November is charity walk month so whatever (truly, whatever) your fitness level, type 'november charity walks' into your browser for a world-wide selection of the best sponsored walks and runs available. Alternately, for something closer to home, just grab the dog lead and go for a walk in the park. Whatever you do; to look more like our gorgeous fitness icon, DANIELE de WINTER fan Elle Macpherson... throw caution to the wind and fill your lungs! Have a lovely Week.
Smile your way to clearer skin
one, two, three...Cheese!!
In addition to using our fabulous products (... of course), a brilliant way to making your skin clearer and more beautiful is simply to smile - lots!! Smiling actually makes you feel happier whether you want it or not: and the happier you are the more your body produces those gorgeous, home-made neurotransmitters called endorphins which make us feel.... well, as though we just kissed Brad Pitt and now here comes George Clooney and hey, we just won the lottery and...!! Among multiple other benefits including lowering blood pressure and boosting immunity, endorphins help balance the hormones in your skin, harmonizing sebum production and beautifying your complexion. Besides, smiling makes you sexier. Just look at Eva...
A Perfect Rose!
Pure Damask Rosewater
Sometimes, when it comes to our beauty, Mother Nature simply knows best: Damask Rose is an amazing beauty agent with unique skin toning properties that can transform dull and grayish skin tone into a healthy and radiant complexion in just seconds. Damask Rose Oil has also been shown to repair broken capillaries, reduce irritation and skin redness and efficiently heal fragile and broken skin. When cold winds blow, DANIELE de WINTER's ROSEE Damask Rosewater toner with add extracts of antioxidant Green Tea and soothing Marigold can benefit all skins of all ages, encouraging a smooth, healthy and youthful complexion...that smells of roses.
Autumn Beauty Bonus
The Magical Vitamin!
This Autumn, keep colds at bay while simultaneously firming and illuminating your complexion with.... Vitamin C! As the primary water-soluble antioxidant in the body, Vitamin C improves your immunity against colds and flu and is also a key ingredient in the production of new skin collagen, which keeps skin smooth and youthful. Ensuring you consume enough antioxidants like Vitamin C every day - through bright, fresh fruits such as oranges, lemons and limes and also apply antioxidants directly to your skin through antioxidant creams like DANIELE de WINTER's ENERGIE PURE Firming Day Cream, helps minimize cellular aging and keep your complexion smooth and youthful no matter your years.
Illuminate your Complexion!
Keep your skin Revitalised
Give yourself a radiant complexion this Autumn! Imperfections are often not visible to the naked eye, looking at a household vacuum cleaner, you may not see it is filled with dust. You skin can be similar, it may look clean from the outside, but your pores may be clogged. It is important to exfoliate your skin regularly to remove dead cells and allow the new ones to shine through. DANIELE de WINTER's Révélation is a smoothing, hydrating facial exfoliant packed full of fabulous natural ingredients that will make your skin glow. Goodies such as Jojoba beads, that buff away dead cells with gossamer softness and nutrient-rich Organic Avocado Oil, which penetrates the skin more deeply than other oils, keep your skin moisturized and help stimulate collagen synthesis, giving you a more youthful complexion. More natural goodies including Aloe Vera, one of mother natures most magical plants, brighten skin tone by enhancing oxygen supply to dermal cells, which increases tissue strength and elasticity. Use Révélation regularly and watch skin appear softer, smoother, and more radiant.
Kim Kardashian beauty secrets
Perfect beach beauty
Just Married TV goddess Kim Kardashian, who became a Daniele de Winter fan after receiving luxury beauty treatments at Monaco's TV Festival, is one of the best role models out there for curvacious women. Renowned for her fabulous figure, the star is another one of many who tried extreme dieting to slim down, but to no avail. Since accepting her gorgeous curves, she now controls her weight by including lots of macrobiotic food, such as soy, tofu and quinoa into her diet, which are all incredibly low calorie, and permit her to treat herself to the occasional cookie or kit kat. Exercise wise Kim keeps trim at the gym, targeting cellulite through cardio on the treadmill, lunges and squats. If you too are working to combat cellulite, then including similar exercises into your routine will help; particularly squats, which are key in toning legs.... Finally, a little help from the outside is provided by DANIELE de WINTER's Contours de Liane anti-cellulite body oil. This slimming, 100% botanical body oil includes Grapefruit, Cyprus and Black Pepper to stimulate fat elimination and nourish even the driest skin. So if like Kim Kardashian you just wish to keep looking more and more fabulous - then just go for it !
Rachel McAdams beauty news
for radiant, natural beauty
Rachel McAdams, star of this years 2011 Cannes Film Festival's opening film Midnight In Paris, received a luxury gift from DANIELE de WINTER before appearing on the red carpet, to help her beauty shine even more than usual. So how does she look so good? Her beauty secret is drinking maple syrup!! She claims it gives her the energy to tolerate her demanding day to day schedule, and puts exercise down to 'running through airports with pounds of luggage'; as well as yoga and jogging. Not keen on slurping syrup as a boost in the morning? Start your day with one of the following: Eggs, high in protein, they will prevent you craving a mid morning snack; Leafy greens - such as Spinach or Kale, blend in a smoothie or add into an omelet to kick start your day with all the essential fibers, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals; and of course Fruit. Whether they are rich in Fiber (Apples or Kiwis), Vitamin C (Oranges or Papaya) or antioxidant packed (Strawberries or Blueberries), they are guaranteed to start you off feeling fresh and full of energy!
Sun, Sea, Safety!
Natural remedies to protect your skin in the sunshine
We all know the importance of protecting ourselves from the sun and harmful UVA and UVB rays. UVA rays are less intensive than UVB rays, but account for up to 95% of the UV radiation that we are exposed to – and as they penetrate into the skin more deeply than UVB rays, play a major part in skin ageing. UVB rays tend to do more superficial skin damage, causing reddening and burning of skin. DANIELE de WINTER's Soleil Pure Beaute SPF 25 has been shown to protect you from harmful rays, is water resistant, photostable and includes antioxidant extracts of Rosemary, to improve skin circulation and elimination of toxins; Green Tea, to neutralize the harmful free radicals caused by UV rays, and Calendula, which contains anti-inflammatory compounds to sooth damaged skin. This gorgeous cream is also sweat resistant and paraben free, so slather it on and enjoy the gorgeous weather, safely!
Beauty from the Inside - Easy as A-B-C
Amazing natural skin beauty secrets to keep you glowing all summer long
Knowing how to keep skin youthful can often be confusing - so we are here to make it simple. Including the following magical substances in to your diet will make looking after your skin as easy as the alphabet: A = Alpha-lipoic Acid; Found predominately in Spinach, Broccoli and Cabbage, it is one of the very few antioxidants that is both fat and water soluble, meaning it can access all parts of the skin cell, giving it tremendous ability to neutralize free radicals as well as fighting against skin aging. B = Biotin, found primarily in Carrots, Tomatoes and Lettuce, it is also known as Vitamin H and works towards strengthening skin tissue by building and maintaining the lipid barrier of the skin; making skin appear firmer and smoother. C = Vitamin C, mother natures beauty Vitamin that can be found in most fruit and vegetables, particularly Green Peppers, Kiwis and Oranges. This amazing antioxidant not only helps to prevent damage to collagen and reduce fine lines, but also hydrates and brightens the skin, giving you a glowing complexion. So what are you waiting for - be radiant this summer! Teacher's hint: all 3 of these amazing Antioxidants are in DANIELE de WINTER's SHOTBEAUTE 1 Morning beauty drink. Easy....
Natural Skin Essentials
Mother Nature's purest form of beauty essentials
Diet is an important contributor to maintaining gorgeous skin; but at DANIELE de WINTER, we stick by our INSIDEOUT beauty rules. Diet takes care of your INSIDE, but what can you do from the OUTside. Your skin is your biggest organ, and it needs pampering! Essential oils are the purest form of mother nature's beauty plants and have been used for decades to aid in health and beauty care. Due to their form they are able to absorb deep into the skin, giving more noticable and longer lasting results. Essential Oils should never be applied to the skin undiluted, so watch them work their magic in DANIELE de WINTER's Foret Precieuse purifying facial oil. With oil of Carrot, which helps to balance both oily and dry complexions, heal damaged skin and reduces age spots and wrinkles. Tea Tree oil, a recognised treatment for skin conditions such as acne, it is a brilliant aid for those with oily skin and also soothes sunburn. Also included are oils of Neroli, which rejuvinates skin by regenertaing new skin cells, Niaouli oil, which acts as a decongestant for oily skin and finally oil of Petitgrain, which is known best for it's ability to clear and tone skin, clearing unsightly pimples and blemishes. Massage the wonderful Foret Precieuse oil into your skin in upward circular motions, allow to absorb for 5 minutes, then spritz with DANIELE de WINTER's Rosee toner and wipe away excess. Really want to spoil your skin - add two pumps of Foret Precieuse into a hot steaming bath for the ultimate body pamper!
Say Ciao to Cellulite
Magical natural oils that will help you look even more fabulous this summer!
We are now well into summer, and we all want to look our best. Yet with our swimsuit on and sunglasses at the ready, we all still worry about the dreaded C word - Cellulite. The dimply orange peel texture that seems to haunt the most of us. Well here comes another fabulous beauty product by DANIELE de WINTER to the rescue. DANIELE de WINTER's Contours De Liane anti-cellulite body oil is here to help shift stubborn fat deposits, reduce dimpling and smoothen your skin. With oils of Cypress, used to improve circulation and strengthen blood capillaries, Grapefruit oil, which relieves congested and oily skin leaving skin firmer and toned, as well as oils of Rosemary and Lemongrass, both well known for their amazing ability to combat fluid retention and encourage blood flow. Also included in this magical cocktail is Black Pepper oil; which not only improves circulation and relieves excess fluid in the body, but also contains Vitamin A and Vitamin K, which are key in smoothing imperfections out of your skin. Watch your troubles disappear, get your swimsuit on and hit the beach!
All you need is Love
Nature's best feel good remedy
We all adore the feeling of love - there is nothing better than telling someone you love them - and hearing it back. Love is a hugely important part of life, and so is exercise; so why not combine the two - Both love and exercise release feel good endorphins which are hormone like substances that act as the body's natural painkillers and give you a natural high; they have other similarities in that they both make your heart beat faster, improving blood circulation making you feel happier and healthier, they both encourage healthier living which can reduce signs of ageing, and both love and exercise are good for your heart health, helping you to live longer lives - together. So grab your loved one and get that heart beating.
B is for Beautiful
The perfect nightcap for the ultimate beauty sleep
The sun it out and what better time to go out, be healthy and feel fabulous. Including these B-rilliant fruits into your day will help you do just that. Bananas, not only a great sweet treat, they also enhance skin smoothness, increase immunity and help slow signs of ageing. Blueberries, packed with antioxidants that keep your eyes healthy and sparkling as well as working against preventing age spots. Finally blackcurrants; also packed full of antioxidants, have been shown to have four times the Vitamin C of an Orange, help to slow the rate of free-radical damage to skin cells helping to prevent skin dryness, fine lines and wrinkles. All three of these amazing fruits can be found in DANIELE de WINTER’s Shotbeauté 2, drinking 50ml every evening will have you feeling brighter, healthier and more fabulous the next morning.
Nature's way to Party Perfect Skin
The ‘Cinderella’ Facial Mask
Summer is the season of parties; Whether it’s a Barbeque, a Ball or a Birthday - We all want to look Beautiful. But many late nights can leave you looking tired - so before your big night, give your skin a pamper with DANIELE de WINTER’s Bonne Fee anti-aging facial mask. Known as the ‘Cinderella’ mask, it’s ingredients include Mango, which is packed full of antioxidants and helps to relieve clogged pores and encourages the regeneration of skin cells, giving you fresher, revitalized skin; Avocado, also packed with antioxidants, helps to get rid of the toxins that promote premature aging and has the ability to penetrate deep into the layers of the skin to clean and restore nutrients, giving you a more youthful complexion. Not forgetting Jojoba, which provides long lasting moisture in the skin, Soy Protein, which will brighten your complexion and reduce fine lines and also Vitamin E; another powerful antioxidant that will protect your skin from damaging free radicals. Apply the mask to your face and allow it to absorb for 10 minutes (no rinsing is required) - then put your party shoes on and dance the night away.
Delicious and Nutritious Beauty Chocolates
The ultimate blend of function and pleasure
We all feel the need to give in to our sweet tooth once in a while – and now you can do so totally guilt free! DANIELE de WINTER’s Choc Beauté are juicy Cranberries dipped in heavenly dark 80% cocoa chocolate, designed to taste and make you feel great, as well as make your skin more beautiful. Packed into these delicious chocolates you will find added Vitamin C, which encourages collagen production, and added Vitamin E, which helps retain moisture in the skin preventing dryness; you will also find numerous antioxidants (lutein, polyphenols, flavonoids) within these treats which are key in protecting skin cells from free radicals, helping to prevent ageing, giving you a fresher, more fabulous glow. Cranberries have plenty of health benefits too, the antioxidants help to protect your sight by repairing nervous cells in the retina - improving your night vision. Cranberries have also been shown to help prevent cancer, heart disease and benefit those with anaemia. What further reason do you need, treat yourself - you deserve to feel and look fabulous.
Secrets for Sensational Skin
... and help yourself feel more fabulous this summer!
For smoother, more moisturised skin – introduce Flaxseed Oil to your diet. Including 2 tablespoons a day into a smoothie or drizzled over a salad will help lock in moisture to your skin, minimize skin irritation and can help heal scarring. Flaxseed Oil has many health benefits too; It has been shown to help towards curing asthma, diabetes and certain forms of cancer; and it is also high in Omega-3 essential fatty acids, which are key sources for increasing brain power and energy levels helping you to feel happier, healthier and more fabulous throughout the day.
'Fruit of the Angels'
Nature's Magical Fruit
Papaya is one of nature’s most magical fruits, packed full of health and beauty benefits. Once called the ‘fruit of the angels’ by Christopher Columbus, the delicious fruit is packed full of antioxidant nutrients such as Carotenes, Vitamin C and many B Vitamins and also minerals such as Magnesium and Fiber. Papaya is known to strengthen the immune system, promote digestive health as well as help against cold and flu; It has also been shown to help prevent cancer. The beauty benefits of this amazing fruit are also endless. It contains the enzyme Papain, which helps to dissolve dead skin and enhance cell renewal, leaving you with a clear, fresh skin tone. The antioxidants in the fruit also help prevent ageing and fine lines and can be found in DANIELE de WINTER’s L’Elixir Magic. This smooth serum not only contains Papaya with all its amazing qualities, but also Soya Proteins, which regenerates the anti-wrinkle effect on your skin and Honey, which works as a fabulous moisturiser. Use the serum daily and watch your skin become clearer, silkier and more luminous by the day.
Beautiful Water
Looking after yourself, and your skin
Keeping yourself hydrated is especially important now the weather is warmer. Your brain is a sensitive organ and not keeping yourself hydrated can change the concentration of your blood, leading to headaches. By the time you feel thirsty, your body may already be dehydrated, so drink regularly throughout the day and aim your total water intake to be about 2 litres. Keeping your skin hydrated is equally important; DANIELE de WINTER’s Pétales d’Eau is the perfect facial mask to use after a day in the sun. Packed full of all the essentials such as Camomile, which calms and soothes the skin, Aloe Vera, which heals and moisturises and Orange Blossom Water, which strengthens broken capillaries; all helping to prevent redness and heat rash. Combine overnight with DANIELE de WINTER’s Clair de Lune evening moisturiser for a deeper hydrating effect and let you complexion glow.
Magical Herbs for Healthy Hair
Natural remedies for beautiful hair
Sunday is the day where we can invest time in ourselves to help us feel more beautiful for the coming week. For beautiful hair here are five herbs that will keep your locks luscious. Camomile leaves hair tangle free and enhances lighter colours; Lemon Balm will cleanse and stimulate your hair and scalp and is great rinse against oily hair. Rosemary is a great tool to fight against dandruff – want thicker, longer hair? Rosemary also thickens and promotes hair growth. Sage will give your tresses that gorgeous shine we are all after as well as working towards improving weak or brittle hair. Finally, Aloe Vera is a fabulous hair conditioner; it also soothes your scalp and regenerates the hair cells; Leaving you with locks that dazzle in the sun.
No more frown lines!
Cuddle o'Clock
If you’ve had a stressful day, go and give your pet a hug! Studies show that a few precious minutes spent with your fabulous furry one reduces stress levels and improves your skin's immunity. Thousands of our four legged friends are now making daily visits to children's wards, nursing homes and hospitals to help bring those in need a smile and feel happier and healthier. Once your feeling relaxed, use DANIELE de WINTER’s Clair de Lune night cream. Packed full of Macadamia Nut Oil to help nourish and smooth the skin, natural Vitamin E which heals and repairs the skin and Soy Bean Protein to stimulate collagen and elastin synthesis – for the ultimate beauty sleep. PS. Did you know that 4.5 million tonnes of CO2 are saved every year by pet owners, thanks to their eco-friendly habits – they walk more and fly less!
To help you feel more energetic and fabulous for summer
Beauty secrets from the Orient
Add some Ginseng to your diet. Ginseng helps produce endorphins to make people feel good. It has been used for thousands of years as an energy-restoring ingredient and it's one of the only substances known to increase your resistance to stress. It is also known to help improve your immune system and is used to help those who suffer from migraines and asthma. The best way to take Ginseng is in hot or cold tea, or simply add some Ginseng powder to a smoothie for a delicious health and beauty pick me up that will keep you radiant all summer long.
With all this wonderful warm weather ...
Vitamin C Beauty Benefits
... it’s a great time to be including lots of delicious fresh fruit in to your diet! Eating plenty of Oranges, Peaches, and Mangos – all rich in Vitamin C - will not only help to keep cold and flues at bay so you can party the summer away – it can also help to banish bruises, as if you bruise easily it may be due to a lack of Vitamin C in your diet. They are all also high in natural Carotenes, which clarify your complexion and help you tan more beautifully. Daniele de Winter’s Shotbeauté 1 includes all the aforementioned fruits, as well as Green Tea, which is key towards anti ageing and Acerola, which is one of natures most concentrated sources of Vitamin C. Starting the day with one 50ml glass of Shotbeauté 1 will pave the way towards a more fun, fabulous summer!
The temptation to eat between meals is often irresistible ...
Delicious Nutritious Treats
Soy beans (Edamame) are a brilliant snack for any time of day and a great alternative to crisps. They are high in essential fatty acids and free of saturates and cholesterol, great to eat lightly roasted. Now your making yourselves beautiful from the INSIDE, lets help you with your OUTSIDE – Soy Bean Proteins are ingredients in both Daniele de Winter’s Energie Pure day cream and Clair de Lune night cream, helping stimulate collagen and encourage elastin production resulting in an amazing radiant complexion.
For perfect baby soft skin ...
Botanical beauty secrets
Camomile is the answer – Not only does it balance skin tone and colour, but it has also been shown to reduce inflammation and speed wound healing. Fit it in easily to your day by having two cups of Camomile tea daily and applying Daniele de Winter’s Brume du Martin morning and night, which not only contains Camomile, but also Fucogel which leaves a hydrating film on the skin and Citrus Extract which gently sweeps away excess dead skin cells leaving a clear luminous baby soft complextion.
Neroli for Perfect Summer Skin
Orange blossom after sun mask
Neroli has wonderful regenerative properties for the skin and has been known for its beauty benefits since the 17th century, when Marie Orsini, a princess from Nerola, Italy, first used Neroli as a fragrance and facial wash. Neroli strengthens the skin and smoothes its appearance. It is great at calming skin cells after too much sun and at stimulating cell regeneration, allowing you to get back to the beach fast. This fantastic, fragrant blossom also calms irritations and balances oily skin, leading to a clearer, visibly rejuvenated complexion. DANIELE de WINTER's PETALES d'EAU soothing facial mask is composed to over 70% of pure, Neroli water, perfect as a soothing, fragrant after-sun mask.
Sleep yourself beautiful!
beauty benefits of sleep
In honour of the Royal Monegasque Honeymoon we are focusing on the beauty benefits of sleep. Yes, its as good as it sounds: getting enough sleep, which means 7 to 9 hours a night, improves skin tone and luminosity and slows the appearance of wrinkles. No you're not dreaming! It really is that simple: Sleep is nature's most powerful beauty treatment: our skin cells regenerate best overnight and the optimal seven to nine hours a night increase skin oxygenation and speed up skin repair. As if that was not enough reason to snooze: as you sleep, your body produces human growth hormone -- a crucial ingredient for collagen production, leading to firmer, younger-looking skin. ...while we do understand there are more important things one's mind during your honeymoon than getting lots of sleep, it makes you look fabulous in the morning.... Sweet dreams!
Beauty ingredients fit for a Princess
Magic Papaya
Papaya is an amazing skin beauty ingredient, very rich in antioxidant Vitamins A and C, the enzyme Papin and a powerful combination of Vitamins, Minerals and Enzymes that very effectively clarifies the complexion, reduces skin impurities and illuminates skin tone. A key ingredient in L'Elixir Magic Perfecting Facial Serum, which was gifted by Daniele de Winter to Princess Charlene of Monaco before today's Royal Monaco Wedding. Papaya is a beauty ingredient fit for a Princess.
Would you also like a beautifully smooth, rejuvenated complexion?
Beauty Secrets of the Stars
Though you may not have access to the kind of care available to Superstars such as Penelope Cruz, you can achieve very beautiful skin all by yourself. Hyaluronic Acid is a protein molecule that holds over a thousand times its own weight in water and is extremely effective at plumping and hydrating the skin. When combined with Vitamin C and a little DANIELE de WINTER magic, its firming, wrinkle reducing effect is nothing short of spectacular! So if you would like to see the same beautifully smoothing, rejuvenating results enjoyed by stars such as Rachel McAdams, Penelope Cruz and Keira Knightly, DANIELE de WINTER's L'ELIXIR MAGIC anti-aging serum is your personal Fairy Godmother. Pure, botanical ingredients, no parabens, no synthetic fragrances, no nonsense; just very beautiful results.
BONNE FÉE™ rejuvenating facial mask
If you too would like firmer, smoother, beautifully luminous skin in a tube, then meet our Fairy Godmother: BONNE FEE™. Designed to smooth and lift the complexion within minutes - and with fabulous, added firming benefits when used over two to three weeks, BONNE FÉE™ our Cinderella rejuvenating facial mask, enjoyed by screen goddess Rachel Mcadams (star of Cannes 2011's opening film, MIDNIGHT IN PARIS) is brilliant at reviving and rejuvenating your complexion before a big night out! With purest extracts of mango, jojoba, soy protein, avocado and natural Vitamin E. NATURAL INGREDIENTS. NO PARABENS and NO rinsing required! See our ANTI-AGING section.
Yes: Pleasure Makes You More Beautiful!
The benefits of massage
Have massages: in addition to toning your muscles and relieving aches, being kneaded and squashed reduces stress levels, improves circulation, helps in the elimination of toxins and simply makes your body happy (some masseurs can be quite cute too!). To find the nearest DANIELE de WINTER spa look through the 'find a store' section at the top of our homepage.
Laugh Yourself Beautiful!
Beauty Benefits of Happiness
Laugh really loud whenever and as often as you can, it is very liberating! We promise, people will NOT think you are mad. In addition to the fun and amusement, being happy balances the hormone levels in your skin, enhancing its regenerative abilities and reducing the risk of skin impurities. Peopel who laugh a lot have smoother, clearer more luminous skin. Laughter also stimulates healthy physical changes in the body; it strengthens your immune system, boosts energy levels, and diminishes pain. Laughter actually relaxes the whole body, helping to wash away pent up tension and stress. Best of all, when shared, it binds people together and increases intimacy and friendship.
It is the best anti-stress medicine ever invented!
No matter how stressed you are – exercise. It is the best anti-stress medicine ever invented, and just 30 minutes will make you feel you can deal with anything. So get up from the computer screen for half and hour and get out! Remember to drink lots of pure, spring water. Being dehydrated can make you stressed (and hungrier than you really are), but pure, fresh water both energizes and uplifts instantly.
Living beautifully : the guidelines
To celebrate the season of romance
1. Love your life and everything around you. The more you count your blessings, the more they will appear. 2. First thing in the morning, put on some really loud music and dance like crazy. 3. Wear sexy lingerie, it will make you feel beautiful all day. From Monaco with love :)
To celebrate the Wedding between Prince William and Kate Middelton
Wedding Beauty Tips
Getting enough sleep the night before your big day, as we are sure Great Britian's beautiful bride knows all too well, is hugely important. To make sure you are not too nervous to sleep a wink, have a protein rich breakfast the day before and then go for a long walk, swim or to the gym, to tone those beautiful muscles and release any pent up stress. Exercise is the best stress buster ever invented and a good 30 minutes makes you feel you can do anything, as well as beautifuly relaxing you in the evening! From the whole team at DANIELE de WINTER Monaco: Congratulations Will and Kate!!!! More beautiful bride tips to come...
DANIELE de WINTER's easy Spring Detox guidelines:
Free & Fabulous Detox
The principal purpose of a detox regime is to take all the pressure off your liver for a couple of weeks so that it can re-energize and function efficiently. A healthy liver can quickly get rid of toxins that cause tiredness, blotchy skin and premature aging, so looking after yours really pays dividends. Here are DANIELE de WINTER's simple (free) detox guidelines: 1. Cut out alcohol, white bread, white sugar and (most) tea and coffee for 2 weeks. 2. Eat at least two servings of leafy green vegetables and salads every day, focusing on cabbage, broccoli, kale, brussel sprouts and all types of lettuce. Also add a big bunch of fresh (chopped) parsley and at least one onion (raw if possible) to your food throughout the day, every day. The green vegetables are rich in glucosinolate, parsley in chlorophyll and onions in MSM: 3 nutrients that together powerfully support the liver's detox systems. 3. Drink at least 2L of water and lots of herb tea every day. 4. Try to eliminate all junk food & cow's milk (use soya or almond /rice milk) and eat lean, white protein (poultry, fish) brown rice, quinoa and & pulses (lentils & beans) when you get hungry. Above all really focus on eating as many greens as possible every day. 6. Get some exercise 5 days/week and be in bed before 11pm every night. Have fun! We would love to receive your feedback on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
5 habits that Work!
Spring is the season when most of us start thinking about getting our bodies beach ready and losing the few extra pounds that may have crept up over the winter months. To tone up and drop a dress size without starving yourself, adopt these five tried and tested habits: 1. Shop smart and fill your kitchen with lots of fruits and vegetables, low fat yoghurt, quinoa, brown rice, and lean fish and white meat. Think of the 'healthy' foods you adore such as (maybe) fresh raspberries, chicken & avocado or grilled prawns and indulge in your favorite ones. 2. Get moving: run up stairs, walk, dance, go to the gym: remember, no matter how unfit you think you are, people always admire someone who gets up and gets moving: You NEVER have a reason to feel selfconscious! 3. Get at least 8 hours sleep every night. Research proves that when you sleep too little you are far more likely to crave junk food and eat simply out of fatigue instead of hunger. 4. Drink lots of water and avoid junk food as much as possible - however if you have an absolute craving...GIVE IN! Indulgence is good for the soul :) 5. Tell yourself every morning that YOU ARE FABULOUS! Many women overeat when they feel unattractive or think they are fat. You are not FAT, you are FEMALE! Put on some sexy lingerie and remember: you are Gorgeous!
Latest news on Antioxidants
2+2 really can = 6
Latest research on the effect of antioxidants has confirmed that antioxidants need each other to work best: for example the anti-free radical effectiveness of Vitamin E is significantly lengthened in the presence of Vitamin C, and Vitamin C protects your skin a staggering 20 x more effectively in the presence of Flavonoids and Carotenoids. ie 2+2 really does = 6. DANIELE de WINTER's ENERGIE PURE energizing day cream + SHOTBEAUTE 1 antioxidant beauty drink nourish skin with over 45 antioxidants and dramatically improve skin tone, density and hydration (independent dermatological trials). Love the skin you are in!
New Year's Resolution 5
I will eat more vegetables
This year I will eat more vegetables: Broccoli to strengthen my immunity with all those Sulforaphanes and Vitamin C; Carrots to clarify my skin and help me see in the dark (yes, the old wives tale is TRUE) through all those Carotenes; dark Greens such as Cabbage and Spinach to strengthen my blood and protect my lungs with all that Chlorophyll... and lightly stewed Tomatoes with a drizzle of Olive oil for their wonderful, antioxidant, tan-improving Lycopene. For examples of quick, delicious beauty recipes see Daniele's 'INSIDEOUT beauty' book in our BEAUTY FOOD section. Bon Appetit!
New Year's Resolution 4
I will LOVE my body
This year I will finally stop worrying about my weight, my thighs, my big nose or my underarms and focus on simply pampering my body, nourishing my skin and enjoying my life. I will remember that the ONLY one judging me is... ME - and I will give myself a big hug and gold star for effort and commitment! Now is the time to start focusing on things that MATTER: like feeling the sun on my face, contacting friends I have let slip, listening with unlimited patience to those who need a friendly ear - and allowing myself to feel truly, truly beautiful!
New Year's Resolution N° 3
Give Hugs!
Give Hugs; lots of them! If nobody is near then hug a tree! Hugging generates endorphins in yourself and in whoever you hug, boosting your immunity and making you feel goood.
New Year's resolution N°2 : Walk in the fresh air
Walking Benefits
Walking outside in the fresh air is a wonderfully invigorating experience with a multitude of health and beauty benefits: Walking outdoors, particularly in nature lifts your mood and makes you feel good; Walking helps your body release endorphins, the natural feel-good chemicals produced by our brain, so going for a walk after a busy day at work can help de-stress and focus your mind. Walking in the fresh air also helps your body regulate blood pressure, reducing the risk of any heart problems. Walking is of course great for the skin as it improves oxygenation of all skin cells; giving you a healthy glow and stimulating cellular regeneration. Just being outside means you are also getting some sunshine and some much needed Vitamin D, which is essential for strong bones and a strong immune system. Just remember to apply some moisturizing UV protection - see our SUN PROTECTION section on this site - before you head out! Finally, walking only 20 minutes every day can help to increase lung capacity, improve fitness levels and help weight loss... SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?
New Year's Resolution N° 1 : drink more water
Water beauty benefits
In addition to good skincare, drinking 6 to 8 big glasses of spring water every day is the most important habit you can adopt to make your skin clearer, healthier and more beautiful. Water is the most important and the most abundant nutrient in our body. It is the medium in which all energy reactions take place. The average adult body is comprised of 55-75% water, and simply drinking enough every day improves your skin, your teeth, your physical stamina and also your muscle tone without even setting a foot in the gym ! Water is everywhere in the body, flowing through arteries, veins, and capillaries, carrying nutrients to all cells and transporting waste out of the body. Some of the health and beauty benefits of drinking enough water : 1. Losing weight and achieving an optimum BMI (body mass index). People frequently confuse thirst for hunger. Drinking enough water not only washes away imagined hunger pangs but also helps your body metabolize properly, helping you to achieve your ideal weight. Even mild dehydration can slow your body’s metabolism by 3-5%! 2. Proper absorption of Vitamins and nutrients, leading to younger-looking, more beautiful skin and a healthier body. 3. More efficient functioning of the liver and kidneys, which transport waste from the body and so are essential for clear, radiant skin. 4. Efficient digestion : even if you have a high fiber diet, fiber alone cannot aid proper digestive function by itself. On the contrary, without water, fiber can cause constipation and bloating. 5. Improved mental performance : if you are dehydrated, your blood is literally thicker, and your body has to work much harder to make it circulate. As a result the brain becomes less active and it becomes harder to concentrate. 6. Water reduces the risk and frequency of headaches : headaches are frequently triggered by dehydration, so drinking a big, cool glass of water should always be your first step before reaching for the painkillers. 7. Water cushions joints and protects tissues and organs, including the spinal cord, from shock and damage. A study published in the “American Journal of Epidemiology” also found that women who drank more than five glasses of water a day were 41% less likely to die from a heart attack than those who drank less than two glasses.
To protect and smooth your skin
Omega 3 and Vtamin E
Stock up on Omega 3 and Vitamin E both in your diet (easy through fresh nuts and daily supplements) and in your skincare through products rich in Vitamin E such as Douceur de Petales, DANIELE de WINTER 's creamy facial cleanser with a high natural Vitamin E content, or night cream Clair de Lune rich in both Vitamin E and Omega fatty acids. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that protects skin from premature againg and UV damage but above all helps the skin maintain a healthy lipid barrier and protect itself from dehydration and condtions such as eczema in cold weather. Omega 3 and Vitamin E are key to smooth, luminous skin when it gets cccold.
GREEN TEA for ultimate INSIDEOUT Beauty
Pure skin rejuvenation
The health and beauty benefits of green tea, taken both INSIDE as tea and OUTISIDE in skincare are huge : Drinking just 2 cups of Green tea a day helps clarify skin and reduce eczema and acne, prevents premature skin ageing by neutralizing harmful free radicals and protecting skin cells from attack, sweetens your breath and counteracts tooth decay (wow), strengthening teeth. If you dip your fingers in a cup of green tea it can even help your nails grow stronger. To nourish your skin with with green tea from the outside, DANIELE de WINTER's Clair de Lune regenerating night cream contains pure, fresh, unbleached green tea bursting with catechins and otyher antioxidants: pure, natural anti-aging! .
Protect and replenish your skin
Autumn skincare
Brisk, November weather puts skin in serious danger of dehydration and creates the need for protection and replenishment of skin moisture. This is the time of year to choose a more nourishing facial cream than during the summer months. Macadamia oil is an ideal rescue ingredient for repleneshing very dry skin through its natural content of protective antioxidants, Vitamin E and an extremely high concentration of palmitoleic acid, a natural skin moisturizer abundantly present in younger skins. As we age, the levels of palmitoleic acid in our skin reduce significantly, accelerating skin dehydation. A protective, regenerating cream rich in Macademia oil and Natural Vitamin E is a fast way to soften and moisturize even the most sensitive of complexions.
To make your eyes sparkle...
Not all antioxidants are equal
Treat yourself regularly to juicy blue and red fruit such as Blueberries, Cranberries, Raspberries and Black Grapes, all great sources of the mega-antioxidants resveratrol, proanthocyanin and anthocyanin, to protect your skin from premature aging and keep your eyes clear and sparkling. A regular intake of these beauty fruits can prevent corneal problems and keep your smile at 1000watt! Good to know that DANIELE de WINTER's Shotbeauté 2 beauty drink contains these powerful, 100% natural antioxidants in concentrated, delicious form; 50ml a day is all you need...
Grape lovers rejoice
Top antioxidants for Autumn
This is the season to treat yourself to dark blue and red fruit such as Black grapes, Blueberries, and Cranberries i order to protect your skin from premature aging and keep your eyes clear and sparkling. A regular intake of these beauty fruits are the healthiest way to nourish your skin with the mega-antioxidants resveratrol, proanthocyanin and anthocyanin that dramatically reduce oxidative stress to the skin and even help keep eyes healthy and youthful. It is good to know that DANIELE de WINTER's Shotbeauté 2 beauty drink contains these powerful, 100% natural antioxidants in concentrated, delicious form. For a visible enhancement of skin tone and luminosity, 50ml a day of Shotbeaute 2 is all you need...
To make your eyes sparkle....
Antioxidants for skin and eyes
Treat yourself regularly to juicy blue and red fruit such as Blueberries, Cranberries, Raspberries and Black Grapes, all great sources of the mega-antioxidants resveratrol, proanthocyanin and anthocyanin, to protect your skin from premature aging and keep your eyes clear and sparkling. A regular intake of these beauty fruits can prevent corneal problems and keep your smile at 1000watt! Good to know that DANIELE de WINTER's Shotbeauté 2 beauty drink contains these powerful, 100% natural antioxidants in concentrated, delicious form; 50ml a day is all you need...
To make your eyes sparkle...
Shotbeauté 2 magic
Nooo... we are not talking about wine (although now you mention it, we will soon...). Today we suggest you treat yourself to juicy blue and red fruit such as Blueberries, Cranberries, Raspberries and Black Grapes, all great sources of the mega-antioxidants resveratrol, proanthocyanin and anthocyanin, to protect your skin from premature aging and keep your eyes clear and sparkling. A regular intake of these beauty fruits can help keep eyes youthful, prevent corneal problems and maintain your smile at 1000watts! Good to know that DANIELE de WINTER's Shotbeauté 2 beauty drink contains these powerful, 100% natural antioxidants in concentrated, delicious form; 50ml a day is all you need...
Chamomile for gorgeous eyes
Elixir Magic Yeux
Delicate, white Chamomile flowers are a key ingredient in effective eye care and have been used for thousands of years as a natural remedy to calm irritated skin, refine pores and gently smooth the fragile skin around the eyes. Chamomile is particularly suited for reducing fine lines, and together with Papaya and Soya proteins can tighten, brighten and visibly rejuvenate the entire eye area. The wonderful effect of these magical botanicals can be seen in Elixir Magic Eye serum. Request your free sample today by emailing ' This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.'
Recipe for beautiful eyes
Papaya to the rescue
Your eyes are simultaneously the most fragile and the most beautiful part of your face. As the skin around the eyes is very fine and delicate, it needs the lightest of care, with a specific eye serum frequently being more beneficial than an eye cream. Ingredients such as papaya are INSIDEOUT eye beauty stars: Papaya stimulates circulation and helps reduce puffiness around the eyes when contained in a serum, and supports lymphatic drainiage and the elimination of toxins when eaten. Fresh papaya is a rich source of Vitamin C, Vitamin A and potassium - and papayas also contain the enzyme papain; a digestive enzyme that helps speed up chemical reactions in the body, aids efficient digestion and softens the skin.
Carrots, the ultimate Beauty Food!
Eat Yourself Beautiful
Many people think that beauty food needs to be exotic and expensive, however fresh, local, organic carrots are the ultimate beauty food; They are very low in calories, high in fibre and a rich source of beta-carotene (the name kind of gives it away) the precursor to Vitamin A that can be safely stored in the body. Plus, the plant sugars in carrots help eliminate any cravings for something sweet... while crunching your way through a carrot helps keep your teeth and gums looking clean and fresh!
Rose and Elderflower
the anti-aging flowers
Damask rose and Elderflower are extremely complementary for our beauty. Damask rose has soothing, regenerating properties and Elderflower contains powerful antioxidant, healing, purifying and regenerating actives that can benefit all skins of all ages, encouraging a healthy, youthful complexion. Both are to be found in the DANIELE de WINTER skincare range - for an effortlessly beautiful complexion.
The Berrylicious Beauty Season
for fresh, radiant skin
Finally a delicious treat that lets you feel very virtuous. Fresh, locally grown berries: be it strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, loganberries or gooseberries etc, all are concentrated sources of fabulous, skin tone-and-luminosity-enhancing antioxidants such as immunity boosting polyphenols, clarifying anthocyanins and fabulous, collagen-stimulating Vitamin C. They are also all ridiculously low in calories (average 30 Kcal/100g)! Berries are delicous served 'au naturel', but if you would like to dress them up as a special treat for family and friends, you can find gourmet beauty recipes in Daniele de Winter's book INSIDEOUT Beauty'. Finally, if fresh produce is unavailable where you are, our SHOTBEAUTE beauty drinks contain highest quality, concentrated juices and pulps of blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, pomegranates, black grape, acerola and much more to give you the same, fabulous beauty boost in one small daily glass. All are available in the beauty food section of this website. Cheers!
Plant magic for perfect summer skin
Luminous Summer Beauty
In Summer, the combination of strong sunshine and pollution can be a recipe for irritated skin. To keep your complexion smooth and perfect despite the heat, use calming botanicals such as Chamomile, Wheatgerm and Elderflower to soothe, clarify and promote cell regeneration. DANIELE de WINTER BRUME DU MATIN 100% natural, botanical cleansing spritz contains all three plus plethora of healing botanicals : for a limited period only all purchases of 200ml BRUME DU MATIN come with a 50ml BRUME DU MATIN handbag size absolutely free - for fragrant beauty all day...
Monte Carlo Beauty Secrets
How do the Monte Carlo beach goddesses stay svelte and smooth all summer despite the blistering sun? By applying DANIELE de WINTER SOLEIL PURE hypoallergenic UV protection and eating fresh, local salad and herbs every day! Freshly picked herbs such as Parsley, Coriander, Dill etc are health and beauty goldmines. Parsley for example is an excellent source of UV protective carotenes, several B Vitamins including Folic acid, antioxidant Vitamin C and Vitamin K. It is rich in immunity-boosting Chlorophyll and contains a ridiculously negligble amount of calories. Bon appetit!
From Tahiti with love
Noni Seed Oil has been used by Tahitian beauties for centuries to soften skin and protect it from UV damage. Noni oil is saturated with protective antioxidants and has a high concentration of linoleic acid, an omega 6 fatty acid which relieves skin irritation and leaves your skin smooth and supple. DANIELE de WINTER's ENERGIE PURE Antioxidant day cream combines antioxidant rich Noni oil with a proprietary combination of Amino Acids and concentrated Vitamin E to deeply smooth and hydrate while powerfully protecting skin from UV damage. Aloha!
To coincide with the Cannes Film Festival, here is a beauty tip designed for the Superstar in you: Some of the key foods that help keep your skin firm, clear and youthful are also very good at keeping something else clear and youthful: your brain. Omega 3 DHA and EPA Fatty Acids for example, that protect skin from dehydration and eczema also help us deal with stress, retain a sharp memory and preserve overall mental health. Deep blue Antioxidant polyphenols, found in fruits such as blueberries and blackberries actively protect skin from premature ageing - and have recently also been linked to a sharper, more powerful memory. Finally the chlorophyll found in all dark green, leafy vegetables such as spinach not only helps keep skin clear and luminous, it also has been shown to enhance mental acuity and brain power. Brains and beauty… not a bad combination if you mean to get to the top. A functional choice of (brain and) beauty foods, plus recipes can be found in Daniele de Winter’s latest book 'INSIDEOUT beauty' available online in our BEAUTY FOOD section. Bon appetit!
For a Clear, Golden Tan... eat Passionfruit
Scientists have confirmed without a shade of doubt that the more natural antioxidants in your skin, the more safely and beautifully you tan. This spring, prepare your skin for the beach the delicious way, from INSIDE. Fruits such as Mango, Papaya, Peach and Passionfruit are very rich sources of antioxidants such as Beta-carotene and Lycopene which actively protect skin from UV damage, hydrate your skin and encourage a smooth, flawless complexion. iIf you have no time to buy the fresh fruit, DANIELE de WINTER SHOTBEAUTE 1 contains a concentrated dose of these antioxidants... and one delicous glass a day is all you need (Online in our BEAUTY FOOD section). Santé!
Rejuvenate Your Skin with Oxygen
Oxygen is essential for healthy, beautiful skin. Increased oxygen levels result in better circulation and cellular respiration, and leave skin glowing and radiant. City life, smoking and simply getting older all lower the levels of oxygen in our skin, leading to a dull complexion, premature wrinkles and even acne. DANIELE de WINTER’s patented ‘FIRMING SERUM’ nourishes the skin continuously with pure oxygen for at least two hours after application: Which means that you apply it before going to sleep and The FIRMING SERUM works to increase cell metabolism and the production of healthy new skin cells while you dream, allowing you to awake to a clearer, firmer, literally radiant complexion. Purifying, Clarifying, Hydrating, Firming and Anti-Wrinkle : +60% skin density and +58% skin hydration after three months. Mother Nature’s ‘at-home’ skin rejuvenation kit (In our anti-aging section).
Beautiful Skin AND a Healthy Heart?
To make your skin radiantly beautiful, feeding it from INSIDE is just an important as through a great beauty regime. To rapidly soothe and rehydrate dry or oversensitive skin, make sure that in addition to your CLAIR DE LUNE night cream you take an Omega 3 fish oil supplement fortified with Natural Vitamin E every day. You should notice smoother, softer, more elastic skin within 3-4 weeks. As Omega 3 also helps keep your heart healthy and protects from a number of age-related diseases, this is one supplement really worth taking. Do not exceed the RDA.
Water Beauty Tips...
In addition to good skincare, drinking 6 to 8 big glasses of spring water every day is the most important habit you can adopt to make your skin clearer, healthier and more beautiful. Water is the most important and the most abundant nutrient in our body. It is the medium in which all energy reactions take place. The average adult body is comprised of 55-75% water, and simply drinking enough every day improves your skin, your teeth, your physical stamina and also your muscle tone without even setting a foot in the gym! Water is everywhere in the body, flowing through arteries, veins, and capillaries, carrying nutrients to all cells and transporting waste out of the body!
The best cure to calm breakouts and balance oily skin starts from INSIDE. Both Evening Primrose Oil and Polyphenol antioxidants (in all red fruits and berries) help optimize sebum levels and can visibly reduce skin irritations, leading to noticeably clearer, healthier-looking skin in a matter of weeks. The most delicous (in our opinion) way to get your daily dose is a 2-week 'cure' of Shotbeauté 2. Just 80ml/day contains over 45 natural antioxidants plus pure Evening Primrose Oil. For the complete 'INSIDEOUT beauty' treatment from outside, complement Shotbeauté 2 with Fraicheur d'Aurore purifying, 100% botanical facial cleanser and Petales d'Eau hydrating facial mask.
Daniele de Winter's beauty tip
2 February 2010
Beauty Sleep Tip! Get enough sleep to feel refreshed in the morning: at least 6 hours a night. If this is impossible, get into the habit of taking cat naps during the day. Some studies have shown that a 10 minute doze in the afternoon is the equivalent of 2 hours sleep!
Eat more Berries
This Spring we are in LOVE with berries... juicy red Strawberries, pink Raspberries, misty Blueberries and purple Cranberries... They contain less than 50 Kcal for 100g, are bursting with antioxidants called Flavonoids thought to protect against cancer and heart disease, are saturated with immunity boosting Vitamin C (100g of fresh Strawberries contain over 80mg of Vitamin C, more than the RDA) and are rich in soluble fibre, which means they have a wonderfully low GI to give you smooth steady energy... For a concentrated berry shot, try DANIELE de WINTER's Shotbeauté skin smoothing evening beauty drink, containing blueberries, raspberries, cranberries and resveratrol rich black grapes.